Monthly Archives: December 2011


There’s been so much going on lately.

We’ve done a bunch of work on the house (or had it done in some cases) and now have a newly painted and carpeted hallway, staircase and second bedroom.  To that end, the second bedroom is officially a nursery, and will no longer be used as a storage room.  This means we need to find someplace to put all the crap we’ve been storing in there.

Also, my belly is pushing all the hell out, it’s like I’m pregnant or something.  Which I obviously am.  I called TFL and asked for a Baby on Board badge today in the hopes that people will start offering me their seats on the bus.  Bus riding Londoners being so totally pleasant and polite all the time.

We’re planning a trip back to Michigan to see family in January before I’m too far along to fly.  It will probably be the last time we go back for awhile.

After Christmas we need to start buying nursery furniture, we’re waiting for the post holiday sales.

Everything’s about to change and even though there are plenty of books to read and gather information from and plenty of people to ask for advice it’s still hard sometimes to know what exactly we should be doing.

The changes will be good though, scary and sort of bonkers, but very, very good.

We went to see the Gerhard Richter exhibit at the Tate Modern yesterday and that was an afternoon well spent.  It was the first I’ve seen a lot of his paintings up close.  They lose something in books.  There’s a sadness to a lot of his older works, the blurred ones in particular, that you just don’t feel as powerfully in reproduction.

We also saw this Taryn Simon exhibit and it was pretty amazing.  It was as much, if not more, about storytelling as it was about the photography.

Everything feels slow and fast at the same time right now.  Like we’re just waiting for this kid to grow and be born but also like there is SO MUCH TO DO AND NOT NEARLY ENOUGH TIME TO DO IT IN.  But there is enough time, and it will all get done and it will be very good.








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