Monthly Archives: July 2011


So Jeremy hasn’t been able to wear his wedding ring lately because it needs to be resized.  I’ve tried to convince him that he ought to at least be wearing it around his neck like a high school girl in the 50’s but he’s not feeling that suggestion.

Anyhow, Friday night was the most recent monthly installment on My Awesome Mixtape at the Slaughtered Lamb in Clerkenwell, and whilst he was spinning records a most brazen hussy in a red dress propositioned him.  Like really, blatantly propositioned him!  I will not repeat what was said, because it was vulgar and I don’t use words like that (lie, I do, I just can’t remember exactly what he said she said and I don’t feel like making anything up, so I’ll take the moral high ground for the moment).  He told her he didn’t think his wife would appreciate it if he took her up on her vulgar offer, but she continued her shameless pursuit.  I had no idea what was going on until I looked over and saw him mouthing the words “HELP ME!”  So I left my dancing companions and went to his aid.  He introduced me and then he made a fatal error.

He put Walk Like an Egyptian on.  Now I love the Bangles.  I love them almost too much.  I have often been found explaining to people how they are a totally under-rated and under-appreciated band.  I think they are super awesome.  However. HOWEVER, Walk Like an Egyptian is a really lousy song. It is a novelty piece of crap.  If you want to play an easily recognizable bangles song just go with Manic Monday. Or be daring, play their cover of Hazy Shade of Winter. Play anything other than Walk Like an Egyptian. That song totally sells them short.

In addition to this, don’t expect me to save you from some classless hussy and then play a song I feel such a strong level of dislike towards.  I mean, really.  Really!  Especially if you also know how much I love that Hazy Shade of Winter cover (in case you don’t know, the answer is: a lot!)

So I left Jeremy to his own devices.  He managed to get away from her without causing any scenes or tears.  And to be honest, I think he’s still feeling quite pleased with himself at having inspired such lust in a random woman off the street.  Even if she is a classless hussy.


Filed under culture that is popular, marital relations, Musics

Places away from here

Jeremy and I are trying to figure out where to go next month for a weekend away.  Front runners at the moment are Vienna and Berlin.  Vienna because that’s where his family emigrated (using that term slightly sarcastically) from in the lat 30’s.  Berlin because everyone says it’s awesome.  Seriously I can’t think of a single person who’s been there recently who was all like, “Berlin was just meh.”

Other contenders include: Amsterdam, Bruges, Paris, or maybe someplace outside of London in this country.

It doesn’t really matter where we go it wuld just be nice to have a weekend away without obligations (even fun ones like music festivals), time to wander and drink coffee leisurely.  Have cocktails and a couple nice dinners, and really not do much of anything.

We’ll be trolling when jeremy gets back from his current business trip.

And then in October, we’ll hopefully return to Venice for Biennale. And then maybe on to southern Italy or Croatia for naps in the sun and plenty of cheap wine.


Sometimes I get grumpy about London.  I think, ‘Ugh why did I move to this crowded dirty city?’ Then I remember how easy it is to get to other places from here.  And that reminds me of the good things about London too.  Like our allotment, Nunhead Cemetery, Frank’s  Campari Bar, the British Library, picnics on Peckham Rye, and so on and so on and so on.  And I think ‘Actually, life’s all right.  London’s okay in my book.’  Or something like that.


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