Monthly Archives: November 2012

2 Years Down

Tuesdayy was the 2 year anniversary of my dad’s death.  Max and I spent the day together.  Other than him, I only talked to the lady who sold me my coffee and my mom.  We took a long walk through Nunhead Cemetery and I told him stories about his grandpa.  I think maybe they were a little boring because he fell asleep.  Today I went to see a movie with some friends at a Watch with Baby thing at the local cinema.  Going to the movies always makes me think of my dad because he used to take us with him to his second job as a projectionist most weekends.  You don’t even want to know how many times I saw Desperately Seeking Susan and Back to the Future.

Anyhow I was walking along and I got to thinking, I’ve been telling Max lots of stories about Dad but what would I tell my dad about Max?  What would I want him to know about his grandson?  These are just a few of the things I would want him to know:

  1. He laughs at fart noises so you would have been very popular.
  2. He has gray eyes.
  3. His giggle is joyful and hilarious.
  4. I can’t believe how beautiful he is.  Every day I look at him and I am floored.  Did you ever look at Andy and me like this?
  5. I’m having a hard time deciding what lies to tell him, I wish you were here to help me figure them out.
  6. He is so cheerful in the mornings, he must take after Mom.
  7. His burps are huge and epic.
  8. He loves sticking his tongue out.
  9. Last week he figured out how to take his socks off.
  10. He doesn’t know it yet but he misses you already.

I don’t know if next year the 13th of November will be easier or harder, not that I expect it to ever be easy, I just know that this year it was especially bittersweet. 
I never thought I’d miss hearing him ask someone to pull his finger or make that lame joke about Fred the Friendly Frog who was responsible for all his burps.  But I do.  I wish I could roll my eyes behind his back a few more times and I wish I could see Max rolling his eyes behind his grandpa’s back too or at least laughing at the very impressive fart noises I know the old man could make.

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