Monthly Archives: September 2016

I love you Humira, but

We need to talk. My next injection is on Tuesday and right now my sacroiliac joints feel like they’re coated in painful glue. It’s not cool to crap out on me with 4.5 days left to go.

And about this fatigue lately. Is that you, the methotrexate or the AS? Or are the three of you working on some dastardly plan together? I can handle the normal tired but falling asleep on the bus isn’t cool. Same with yawning so hard it feels like my jaw might crack.

So if the three of you could settle down and work together a little more I’d really appreciate it. I have a dogs fancy dress competition to go to and friends to see. 

You’re still great, Humira. I love your new formula and the way you get my immune system to chill out most of the time but if you could make a little more effort over the next few days I’d really appreciate it. I don’t want to miss the dogs in fancy dress again this year. 


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